Our dedicated team are ready to support you to transform the chaos into calm.
Introduction to Roger Desmond
our founder
Highly acclaimed for the way he has fused his spiritual psychic insight
with the healing energies of the Natural World, and, with more than a
touch of science thrown in, Roger Desmond has built an outstanding
reputation and ardent following for his presentations, readings, teachings
and leadership.
He hasn’t always been a Psychic, Reader and more recently as a
Leading Spiritualist (as described recently by a leading Christian group.
He used to be an engineer but that all changed during a medical
procedure in 2008, when he effectively died!
Somehow on the operating table the Doctors patched him up and
brought him back. He recovered slowly and during the trauma of
suffering the deepest anxiety and depression his psychic abilities awoke.
Dedicating himself to helping others he has been able help thousands of
people to date.
He has become an Inspirational Speaker, and a renowned teacher,
for his mission is to share with anyone who is struggling with their
believe or anyone who is ready for a change. For change will come.
He was way before his time in advocating how we should be working
with the earth and the natural world to tackle the many issues that
surround us today.
His work on tackling Anxiety and Depression is widely regarded and his
approach although often unconventional achieves astounding
results. He is in demand with many high-profile figures in the
media and society but that’s not where he wants to be. This
awareness is available to all. To all those that want change and
are ready for change. He has made OVERARCHING AFFINITY an
affordable membership for all those invited. The Demand for his
groundbreaking Psychic Awareness Program services is soaring.
Our Team
Our Founder.
Completed Academy training. Core Lead.
Completed Academy training. Core Lead.
Paul Blackmore
Quantum distance healing for physical, emotional and spiritual trauma facilitor.
Those that are looking for more than just change this is a real opportunity to get involved. On completion of the events and workshop sessions coaching training will enable you to expand your involvement to any level to which you aspire.